Tayside Cancer Support

For cancer patients, their relatives, friends & professionals

About Us

Together We Can Make a Difference

During or after a diagnosis of cancer and treatment, many people feel angry, fearful, isolated or traumatised. Whatever the emotions, there is support within the third sector.

Tayside Cancer Support was set up to meet these unmet needs and, as time has progressed and with the effects of the global pandemic, people are in greater need. Anxiety, stress and loneliness have heightened and the opportunities for support through the more traditional routes have diminished. Our befrienders offer on-going professional support and our therapist offers counselling and therapies for those with more pronounced challenges.

The feedback is fantastic through continued fundraising and support from volunteers we aim to continue and grow this quality service

- Linda Swan, Chair of Tayside Cancer Support


Everyone can help

At Tayside Cancer Support, we offer support, valuable information and befriending to anyone affected by cancer in Tayside and the surrounding area.

We are a registered charity with an office base at St Aidan’s Centre in Broughty Ferry and have been helping people in Tayside and the surrounding area who are in some way affected by cancer since 1994.

Some Fun Fact

Standing Strong Against Cancer




Drop in Cafe a Month


Clients Supported


Donations a year

With you through the tough times

Our Funders

