Tayside Cancer Support
Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies
As we have a personalised approach to supporting our clients we offer counselling and complementary therapies that suit them best. We work with them to understand their specific needs at that moment and our therapists/ counsellors Maureen, Helen & Laura provide what is needed in that moment.
Helen is our counsellor and is based in Dundee. Maureen is based in Invergowrie and delivers Reiki, relaxation, light touch messages and more. Helen is based in Broughty Ferry and offers head, neck & shoulder massages as well as oncological massages.
The sessions run for roughly 60 minutes and are open to those with cancer or those supporting those affected by cancer.
If you’re living with Cancer and would like to get this type of support with no associated costs then please reach out to us.
Email us: [email protected]
I find the counselling is both supportive and helpful and it allows me to effectively manage the journey on which I recently embarked. It has allowed me to develop various strategies that have helped me to develop relaxation and inner wellbeing and it has improved my confidence, provided me with a lot of hope and contributed to an inner sense of belief in my future. I am grateful for this professional, supportive and tailored service that I am currently receiving.
When at a low ebb in your life its very reassuring to find such help and advice as is available through Tayside Cancer Support. Their counselling and therapies have helped me enormously to overcome those dark days and nights, to think positively, to take things a day at a time and to stay in the moment. I cannot thank them enough for all their help and kindness.”