Tayside Cancer Support
Get Involved

Working together
Get Involved
Our volunteers are the key to the Charity’s success. Everyone has skills that can be put to good use! If you think you’d like to get involved whether with our fundraising activities and events; by qualifying as a one-to-one befriender; getting involved with
hospital visits or support groups; or serving on our Executive Committee, we’d love to hear from you!
We also really value long term relationships with local businesses who would like to support the charity. Whether this be highlighting the befriending opportunities to their workforce, donating a small amount from sale of product or services or hosting an event in your premises. We are open to any ideas!
If you would like to come along or get involved with our events please find out more here.
TCS has been a great choice for me personally to give something back, and in return give me something I was looking for, across the last few years
TCS are a warm and welcoming group who have the knowledge and understanding of what it’s like to have cancer.