Tayside Cancer Support

Inspiring Stories: Ros’ Journey with Us

It is with mixed emotions we announce the retirement of our Executive committee member Ros Marr. After over a decade of working for Tayside Cancer Support Ros will be stepping down, leaving behind a legacy with her work in our befriending scheme as well as everything she contributed while being on the Executive committee. We interviewed Ros at our most recent golf day to learn a little bit more about her time at TCS.

What was your role?

I’m one of the TCS volunteers and I’ve got a few roles, I started as a befriender and I am also a supervisor and then I joined the Exec a few years ago

How long have you worked for TCS?

All together I think it’s been about 13 years, I took early retirement from work and at the same time they (TCS) were looking for volunteers and I thought I would continue to use my skills.

Why did you join TCS?

I had been a nurse so I thought I had lots of the skills that would be useful to the charity, but also my mum had died from cancer.I didn’t handle it very well as she only survived a few weeks after diagnosis. I spoke to her more like a nurse than a daughter and that’s something I really regret. I didn’t want anyone else to be in the position that they felt they didn’t have anyone to discuss things with. 

Do you have a favourite memory while working at TCS?

I’ve got lots of favourite memories, we’ve had lots of fun! Lots of the social outings, fundraising days have all been a lot of fun.

One of my favourite clients was somebody who I looked after for a few months & unfortunately he died.When he was my client,  though we had a professional relationship we just kind of gelled. It was difficult to communicate because of the kind of cancer he had but we managed fine with hand signals etc.