Tayside Cancer Support

Sometimes when people are going through tough times, it can help to have a friendly, non-judgemental ear. A problem shared is a problem halved!
Tayside Cancer Support offers a free, confidential, one-to-one befriending service for those affected by cancer in the Tayside and the surrounding area. This service is provided by volunteer befrienders who have received relevant and professional training prior to working with clients. In addition, all befrienders must also attend regular supervision and ongoing training organised by the charity. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance, not just in the context of the Befriending service, but also within group meetings and supervision. Although the charity is a voluntary organisation, the commitment of our volunteers is essential, as we pride ourselves in offering sensitive, yet professional support.
Referrals to the charity for the befriending service are generally received from local hospital wards, doctors, nurses and other health professionals. We also welcome referrals from individuals who feel that a family member or indeed, they themselves would benefit from this support. The befriending contact may be by telephone or face-to-face depending on each individual’s circumstances and needs.
If you feel that you might benefit from our befriending service, or know someone who
would, please get in touch to discuss how we can help.
Here is what one of our clients had to say about her experience with her Befriender:
I cannot put into words how much my befriender has helped me! She gave me all the support I could have asked for and more."
Very rewarding, I feel very grateful to be given the opportunity to help someone through a difficult time in their life.